I'm letting you in on a little family secret between my husband and I. He loves acronyms. His work helps him love them too, but he LOVES them. That is why I use them too. He even named a cove near our house the BC (Bridges Cove).Teachers have their own set to confuse us.The insurance business is famous for them-EOB (explanation of benefit). The military branches have their own code book as well. I am the MIL(mother in law) John's work involves an EIR (environmental impact review) I am LEB ( Lorraine Estelle Bridges) and the world of IM (instant message) brought out a raft of new ones too. BFF, LOL, ROFL and BTW... and the TV remote is AWAL! Us older kids can remember SWAK (sealed with a kiss) on the back envelope of our snail mail. BYOB-Bring your own bottle is another familiar old one. It's a language within our our language you are required to learn!
It all started when that heart tugging children's book came out titled "Love You Forever" by Robert Munsch and we read it to our children numerous times. If you don't own it or need a great baby gift for someone then this is the book for you. We choked back tears each time we read it. Our parents cried when they read it to their grand kids too! I have proof of it with photos of a crying grandmother Ann reading it. I found out recently that Mr Munsch wrote the book after the tragic loss of his set of twins. It was because of love the book was written and it led to a new acronym for us. LYAAF- (Love you always and forever). I like to sign cards, notes and emails with it from time to time. Sometimes people ask me what it means and they are instantly wrapped up in a hug of love when I tell them. I learned to just take a little bit of time and energy to say I love you and show care to those around me. So for today...just know I really do LYAAF even if I don't see you often enough to tell you face to face.
LEB :)
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