I've been busy knocking off a few "bucket list" items with my husband in Florida this past month. Be sure and read my previous blog about getting your bucket lists in order!
Merry Christmas to you from me. I do realize it can be a difficult time for many families and individuals during the holidays. You don't always have your holly jolly going on and it can be a challenging time in your life right now. My heart goes out to you. xoxo I'm going to share a little experience from yesterday and I hope it encourages you to celebrate the season.
Just yesterday I offered to babysit my granddaughter so that my daughter could finish her last class on line to renew her CPA license. I knew I'd have the sweet little baby girl all day so as I swept her away the last thing my daughter said was, "Call Carolyn (my neighbor) and have her come over to see the baby". Great idea! The two of us are good friends and love to chat over tea and catch up on our busy lives. The last time I really spent time with her was when we were in France in June and she was there on extended holiday and we arranged to meet up to see her and have dinner in a quaint restaurant. Neighbors meeting up in Paris! How fun is that!? It was a memory I will always remember. So I gave her a quick call and she said YES she'd love to come to our house and would be there as fast as she could! In typical Carolyn fashion she came with Christmas cookies in hand ( but I told her NOT to bring anything as I have a boatload of treats to share!) and a gift bag which turned out to be a special little something for my sweet granddaughter.
We talked and served tea and ate treats while granddaughter Hayley delighted, entertained and snuggled with us. Carolyn admitted that she was having a hard time getting the proper attitude for Christmas and having a baby in her life today was just what the Dr ordered. Life and all it's "stuff" can just get in the way and you lose your focus. Your holly jolly goes kaput! We opened the little gift bag and it was a white little stuffed bear with angel wings! Hayley giggled and squealed when it came out of the bag. You could not have asked for a better response from a 1 year old! After several hours of chatting, snacking, changing a diaper, feeding the baby, more tea, and solving all the problems of the world Carolyn had to go home. Having a baby in her life yesterday helped her remember why we celebrate Christmas. Carolyns' words sum it all up neatly in an email she sent me:
"Oh thank you for brightening my day, and that little baby reminding, that Jesus is the reason for the season."
We were calling Hayley the Christmas Angel baby! My phone call came at just the right time to perk up a neighbor and friend. That baby in the manger came at just the right time too... Maybe today is a difficult one for you. Pick up the phone and see if I can come over with my Christmas Angel baby Hayley to put your spirits back into focus for Christmas!!! Better yet, let's let the Christ child in the manger do that for us.
Christmas blessings to you